
Paper models, photos and musings of a Paper Kosmonaut

19 February 2013

Repair time

Still here, don't worry.
I am very busy with the documentary again but I also have started taking time to do some necessary repairs and additions to a couple of older models.
The ISS is getting its final instalment with Rassvet which has been released a month or so ago. Further,  I redid the Harmony and Columbus modules because they appeared to have some nasty brown rust;like spots on them. More on that in a later post, with some pictures..
I also want to finally do the five SRM's of the Juno Atlas V I made some time ago. I hate loose ends and now is the time to tackle them. I plan on doing them from scratch since I don't like how the one I made looks. That's up next.
Mir will come up again soon too. I'll let Zoltan come up to speed first. I need to finish some stuff on the station (some more minuscule railings, I guess) and Atlantis still needs her OMS pods and SSME's.
For what lies beyond that, I only can say it still is unclear. I do have some ideas on what I like to make in the nearby future, but what will come first is yet undecided.
For the time being, here's the picture I photoshopped to get an even better feel of the early morning atmosphere of the rollout. A post without a picture is a bit boring, isn't it? (-;
See you soon!

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