
Paper models, photos and musings of a Paper Kosmonaut

20 May 2024


Although I am still not willing to actually continue this blog, I am kind of stuck in lots of personal stuff which prevents me from going forth with a new google-less blog. But I have built some fun stuff in the time inbetween. Not world shocking stuff. Just stuff to keep me occupied in the time inbetween job, girlfriend and chores.

So here's a little epilogue with some photos of what I have built in the last year. To let you know I still am building and also alive.

Stay safe, be nice to one another. Stop fighting. No wars. Please.


FG's Gloster E. 28/39 Pioneer. It happened to be a tailsitter so I had to place it on a pedestal of sorts. Lovely little plane to build.

Gary Pilsworth made a very nice model of ELO's spaceship as depicted on their album Out of the Blue.
I reduced it in scale (two pages on 1 A4) and used a ton of clear gloss acrylic paint to get that jukebox-shine on the coloured parts. I redesigned the bay parts - only one is opened on the album sleeve, so I closed the others up. I also redid one section as unfinished as it is on OotB. Nice little thing to build.

I recently finished this Fokker DR.1 Dreidecker, of course design4ed by Fabrizio Prudenziati. I already made the red version, and this lozenge camo version really looked appealing to build, so I did.
A straightforward build, no tweaks apart from the Leif Ohlsson propeller instead of Zio's one. Oh, and the wheels can roll.

Now I am working on this Kallboys locomotive. It will be an old used and maybe discarded one, I already started weathering and making it look rusty. 

The added graffiti is an homage to my sweet little cat Muis who I had to put to forever sleep the 13th of May 2024. She had contracted FeLV (feline leukemia virus). She was brave until the end. I will miss her so much.

And on that note, Goodbye again!

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