
Paper models, photos and musings of a Paper Kosmonaut

10 November 2019

Blast from the past (no pun intended): the N-1 1/96 - 3 years later

Finally, I have finished the N-1. Three years after more or less abandoning the project I picked it up a couple of weeks back and sdtarted working on a bnew fairing. I first wanted to see the rocket finished as such, with just the fairing on. On the way there, I decided, I would sit and ponder over what to do with the still very beautifully made (yeah, I am still really proud of it) LOK moon train. Anyway, for now, here's the finished N1!

Some stats: 108 cm length and about 23 cm at its widest. The fairing is empty of course, filled with rings and glue and all that. The LOK stack is laying on a shelf, awaiting the solution to how to do the transparent fairing I STILL want to make. I think I have an idea, I'll keep you posted. I want to get this one next to the Saturn V in the National Space Museum in Lelystad, because I think what they have in their rocket showcase now is horribly undetailed and totally out of scale with the Saturn. This might provide some necessary nuance.


  1. Hi do you sell any of the plans for the models? thanks

    1. There is no need to SELL any plans here. The model is free of charge and downloadable at Ralph Currell's website. You can find the N-1 and lots of other models here: This one and other places you can find and download very good models for free are in my side bar here.

  2. Love the build!

    That is very clean!

    Carl Surfduke Hewlett


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